Here at Silver Memories, our whole business foundation is built around keepsakes and memories. After all, our items are created for our customers to signify just that. We love creating bespoke items like photos or fingerprints engraved on a special silver product because we know they will be kept and adored forever. To us giving the gift of a keepsake and bringing a memory to life is truly a special thing. Life is about memories and keeping a special moment alive forever. We love to make keepsake jewellery.
A keepsake is an object that has sentimental value. It’s an item that represents an association to a special someone or moment. An object that holds very dear and lovely memories. A keepsake jewellery item, like the ones we produce for our amazing customers, gives someone this sentiment. It becomes something they can treasure forever and then pass down to family. It continues to evolve even further with new sentiment as it is passed down and it creates stories that people can talk about for lifetimes to come. How can a gift get any better?
The definition of keepsake is: “anything kept, or given to be kept, as a token of affection and remembrance” This is the gift that keeps on giving as it spurs on thoughts, discussion and story telling. Life is precious and holding on tight to memories is imperative.
A keepsake jewellery item can be given or purchased for any reason. To celebrate a first Father’s day, to remember a loved one lost, to give thanks or celebrate a new born, the reason or occasion can be for anything dear to you. It’s about the meaning to you and the joy it will bring.
We have created some amazing items for our customers, they are all bespoke and all come with their own story and that’s what we love about our business. We are able to give people a sense of joy and a sense of purpose. We remind them what life is really about. To give or receive a gift of a keepsake is heart warming. It conjures up memories and takes you back to a moment that means a huge amount to you. Life should be about just that. It should be about meaning and holding on to those moments that define you or give your life true meaning.
We all have memories, good and bad, but as life goes on memories can become some what blurred. You can forget certain details that piece your story together, so having a keepsake can help replay things in your head. Every time you hold the keepsake you remember another puzzle piece. No-one can take those memories away from you as they engrave deeply into your mind. They are yours and yours only.
With the gifting season approaching, and after the last two strange years we have all endured, why don’t you consider giving a gift of a keepsake this year. You could show those around you that you are still there for them and, even when times are a little odd, you will always be by their side. 2020 and 2021 have shown us that life is precious and small moments can be magical. We appreciate the small things now because we have had our worlds turned up side down. Remember to appreciate those people you have in your life, remember times that make you smile and lets together make 2022 a new year that counts.
This post was written by Zed, mother and owner of Silver Memories – a hand crafted, personalised jewellery business. Feel free to browse this site to see some of the products Zed has on offer.